Effective communication is one of the most important parts of everyone’s life. Companies need to communicate with their customers regularly to stay connected with them and understand their demands. Staying connected with the targeted customers even helps the companies to advertise their newly launched products and services and make them familiar in the marketplace. To stay connected with the targeted clients, bulk messaging is the best solution. With just a few clicks on the screen, you can send the same message to thousands of customers and that too at the same time. Isn’t it a convenient and time-saving method? But the bulk SMS service provider needs to follow certain rules and regulations while offering the bulk SMS service to their customers.

According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, telemarketers have to be registered in the Distributed Ledger Technology(DLT) platform, which is a block-chain based registration system. It is issued to control the SMS spam from various marketing firms. Earlier the bulk SMS providers were required to register with TRAI. But now with new norms, whoever wants to SMS to their customers needs to be registered at DLT platform.

As per the TRAI New Norms

According to the modern rules issued by TRAI, the bulk SMS service provider needs to follow the below-mentioned rules and regulations. Scroll down to know what all has changed in new updated TRAI norms for bulk messaging:

DLT Registration for Entity & Telemarketer

Every bulk SMS service provider and the entity who wants to send any information via SMS to customers or targeted audience need to register themselves. DLT Registration is important to maintain the security and privacy of the customers and to prevent spamming & fraudulent activities.

DLT Header Approval

To secure brand name TRAI has made the policy to get approval for Headers for promotional and transactional routes and get registered with the Telecom Operators. Now, the bulk SMS service provider will no longer control the ID of the sender.

DLT Template Approval

Companies need to upload all their templates in DLT Portal before sending them to customers. Every content that is registered under Principal Entity should contain a brand name in the content field. Template approval, header details and template details will be available on the panel to view.

Consent Scrubbing

Companies have to upload all the numbers of customers before sending any promotional SMS to customers. Filtration of the customer preference is done on a real-time basis and the results are visible instantly. 

Customized Preference

Earlier there were two options: DND & Non-DND services. Now when customers apply for DND service customers can select the industry from which they want to receive promotional bulk SMS

Complaint Management

Now customers can register to complain regarding the violation of their preferences & consent. Make sure you as a bulk SMS service provider adhere to all the rules and regulations.

Process of DLT for Enterprises 

Step 1- Select your Operator & Upload all the required documents (LOA, Authorized Signatory, GST etc). 

Step 2- Apply for approval of Sender Ids as per requirement select your route as promotional & other (Transactional). The promotional route has a 6 digit id whereas the other route has 6 alpha characters. 

Step 3- Apply for approval of Content templates. There are two options i.e, Service Implicit & Service Explicit. Service Implicit is used to get an approval of Transactional SMS i.e, OTPs, Order Details, Payment Information etc. Whereas, the Service Explicit is used for the Promotional SMS to your registered users

Step 4- Once all the ids contents are approved, share all the DLT details with your bulk SMS service provider. Your service provider will map all the details in the account & make the service smoother.

When it comes to bulk SMS service, Mtalkz is the best service provider. It is known to offer fast and hassle-free service to the customers. With more than 1000 international carrier connections, it helps in delivering the messages to the targeted customers in a few seconds without any delay. To know more about Mtalkz, you can visit its website!