
Celebrating 365 days of uninterrupted SMS service | No Downtime, Just Reliability🎊


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Customers Communication with
the help of Omnichannel & Cloud Communication

Cloud based SAAS provider for Bulk Sms, Voice SMS, Email marketing, IVR Systems, Missed Call, Whatsapp Business API, Chatbots and Marketing Automation.  Subscribe our services to engage your customers like never before.


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Whatsapp Business API – Features

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Send Notifications & Alerts

You can send your target consumers anytime you want and from anywhere.
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Trusted Brands

Business accounts are verified by WhatsApp via Green Tick mark 

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Rich Media Communication

Send Rich Media Messages like Images, Videos, PDFs etc.

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24*7 Customer Support

Availability of customer support should be 24×7. Customers can connect through call, email and other channels, immediate response on query or issue

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Whatsapp Chatbot

Automate your messages with the help of Whatsapp Chatbot

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Live Agent Chat

Enable your customers to chatfreely with your support teamthrough whatsapp.

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For a quick demo, WhatsApp “Hi” to +91 986-862-9924

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Everything you want to know about SMS Services

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Word-wide reach

You can send SMS anywhere in the world. If you are in India & have customers in abroad, you can send your SMS



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You can send SMS in more than 20+ regional language apart from English



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SMS tool is flexible as you can send SMS 24×7, schedule your campaign.



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When you trigger SMS you can get in- depthinformation about delivery, failed, open rate through clicks.



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Personalize your SMS tomake your customer feel special by adding their name, Send Wishes.



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It can be an auto API trigger by integrating the API in your CRM, e-commerce, ERP etc.




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Different ways for SMS API Integration


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Make the Shift

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One Click SMS API integration with Zoho CRM, Magento, WordPress and woo-commerce.
Request a Demo and Schedule your meeting.


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Bulk SMS Service

Let your voice reach your customers in multiple of 160 characters. With our unique 3x retargeting links, collect your CTA on Website, App downloads and IVR systems.

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Whatsapp Business API

Give an entire new flavour to your business. Get rid of app download issues. Execute all your business process through Whatsapp Chatbot integrations.

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RCS Messaging

The Next Generation of Text Messaging allows to Do Rich Promotion with Images, Carousel, Videos.

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You’re in good company

Listen to what our clients have to say about us



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We were having an urgent need for a WhatsApp Business API account and then we found mTalkz. Not only they helped us to get our WhatsApp Business API account in just 3 weeks but the kind of support they have extended right from the initial documentation to integration to launch is quite appreciable. Thank you so much for lightning fast services.

[featured_box img=”33169″ img_width=”44″ pos=”center” title=”Sushant Jain” font_size=”small” class=”circle”]

Head of Product, Doxper





