
Celebrating 365 days of uninterrupted SMS service | No Downtime, Just Reliability🎊

Case Study

Learn how one of the leading banks drove 2X User Retention by using Mtalkz’s Bulk SMS services.

Challenges Faced

  • Low engagement rate with prospects & existing customers
  • Inefficient and inconsistent communication regarding delivery updates and alerts.


Mtalkz’s Bulk SMS API allowed for:

  • Real-time shipment updates and automated responses
  • Enhanced customer experience and expanded reach
  • Cost-effective SMS usage optimized marketing and improved operations and engagement.

Challenges Faced

  • Decline in customer retention
  • Growing customer complaints
  • Declining customer engagement and satisfaction

Benefits Delivered


  • 70% Increase In customer engagement with personalized SMS solutions
  • 20% Increase in revenue due to enhanced customer engagement and retention
  • 50% Fall in customer complaints, as customers are updated timely