WhatsApp Chatbot Features – Chatbots are increasingly being used by organisations to take advantage of conversational marketing and produce excellent leads. Increasing conversion rates and automatically qualifying leads are two key benefits. Given that 64% of consumers think that the 24/7 service is the most practical chatbot feature, the adoption of chatbots is on the rise. Furthermore, 65% of consumers claim to feel at ease resolving a problem on their own without the assistance of a human agent, which is great because chatbots give them that. It makes sense that chatbots are being used across industries to improve conversion rates.

This blog gives out details about how chatbots can be employed to raise a company’s conversion rate. 

How Are WhatsApp Chatbots Useful?

When it comes to generating leads, chatbots are now one of the go-to technologies. Compared to websites that users browse with no assistance, chatbots are conversational and offer an enhanced experience. Since a chatbot is practically always online, it continuously gathers leads. Chatbots are able to operate at all times consistently, in contrast to human agents who have working hours and break times. This results in quicker lead creation and client resolution. 

Chatbots also record the interactions and helpful data, such as clients’ phone numbers and email addresses. The best thing about a chatbot is that you can tailor the dialogues to the customer’s position in the buying process, giving marketers the chance to properly nurture each lead. 

5 WhatsApp Chatbot Features to Increase Conversions

There are numerous WhatsApp chatbot features, and here is a list of the top 5 features that can help you increase the conversion rate.

  • Chatbot Analytics

In order to compare chatbot success with that of other channels, chatbot analytics can be used to analyse KPIs as the total leads produced, the total issues resolved, or the cost per issue. You can identify the most commonly asked questions your company receives via live chat by using chatbot analytics. After that, only keep the straightforward inquiries that a chatbot can answer. You may estimate how long it will take to respond to these requests and the yearly expenditures associated with handling them.

  • Feedback

Without knowing your client’s tastes and preferences, you cannot effectively engage them. Similar to this, you must comprehend client behaviour to provide better service. Many companies make the error of interacting with clients without analytics, which lowers conversion rates. With the help of the WhatsApp chatbot, you can prevent such errors. You can track user activity and purchase trends after collecting important user data with the help of the bot. Through the use of straightforward questions, the chatbot can also assist in collecting feedback for the purpose of enhancing experiences.

  • Third Party Integrations 

AI chatbot is the new way to engage with your customers via digital channels that are optimised for how their brains work. A chatbot that is integrated with other software is a great way to help companies improve customer-facing processes. These could be integrations over web, voice-enabled devices, CRMs, CMSs and help to enhance customer experience and boost conversions on websites.  

  • Product Recommendation

Chatbots facilitate cross-selling and up-selling for organisations thanks to their conversational user interface and 24/7 availability. Based on the user’s interest, chatbots can be the first source of product knowledge. A chatbot can readily share this information with a user if asked so. A well informed user can make informed decisions which can be triggered by the initial response shared by a bot. Hence a bot can solve product-related concerns, and educate users about your business. 

For example: A bot can also check a user’s previous history to assist them with their current product search. It can sort available products and display the most pertinent ones, based on the user’s preferences. 

  • Enrich conversations with Media

Enriching your chatbot script with graphics is another approach to improve conversion rates. Did you know that visuals, such as GIFs and photos, significantly impact readers and can be used in conversations? Sixty thousand times faster than text, visuals are processed. Therefore adding images and GIFs to your script might help it immensely. Make talks more attractive by adding images and GIFs to the discourse with the help of loud media. 

Leverage Mtalkz WhatsApp API for Enhanced Customer Experience

The majority of your customers are on WhatsApp. Therefore, you need a sound plan to engage them better and increase your conversion rate. A cloud-based communication platformprovider, Mtalkz has worked with multiple companies who want world-class messaging solutions to interact with their clients seamlessly. With the help of AI-powered WhatsApp chatbot features, you can redefine what engagement really means. Chatbot software by Mtalkz is cutting-edge and can help you centralise all of your client interactions across channels.